Sunday, April 12, 2015

In the home stretch (again)

Well, I am always stunned around this time of year when I look back over the course of our homeschooling adventures.  We are wrapping up yet ANOTHER year...I have to honestly say I was never sure that I'd have made it this long.  I always went into homeschooling with the mentality of, "let's try it for one more year".  Each year, slowly but surely, we have made it to this point.  What an amazing ride it's been so far!  Now, I have to confess something.  Due to my changes in lifestyle (being a single full time employed, no longer stay-at-home mom), I have decided to place my youngest child in public school next year.  He will be starting high school and in my town there are many private schools that only go up to 8th grade, so he won't be the only "new" face on the first day.  
I have such a whirlwind of stuff going through my mind over this decision.  Part of me wants to keep on with what I've always done, but the other part knows it isn't good for any of us as I simply don't have the time to focus on making sure he is learning all that he needs to.  I don't want to shortchange him or to send him out into the world unprepared.  Other paths my mind wanders down are is it fair to him?  Is it fair to the poor teachers that will have to deal with a kid who hasn't had to have this kind of structure?  Ugh!  So much to deal with is it even worth it???  
Meanwhile, my oldest will be starting her final year.  She will be a baby is almost ready to leave me :(  She will stay home to finish out her school career.  What a journey it's been!  From coloring pages, reading, penmanship, and 1 + 1 to writing a term paper, learning Japanese, and algebraic formulas!  We are trying to look into colleges, praying she gets scholarships, and all the while learning to drive and look for a part time job!  Wow!  She handles it all (mainly) with grace, contentment, and a sense of humor.  It's me who is the wreck/basket case!  
I sincerely hope that nobody who wants to homeschool will have to make such a hard choice.  It truly is a difficult thing to go through.   I'll post again when Ian starts at school and keep everyone informed on how Suzy does with her final year and what colleges she gets accepted into!  Have a blessed week!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Divorce...a year later

This is not something I usually comment about, but, tomorrow makes a whole year since my divorce was finalized...amazed at how quickly that went by!  In the first few days after my ex-husband left, I was a basket case.  I felt like I wasn't in my own body, just going through the motions of my daily routine.  Shock is such an odd thing to live through.  I look back now to March of 2013 and I actually can't clearly remember those days...even now.  Maybe that's a mercy for me.  They have been replaced with vague recollections of crying and pain.  Like physical, real pain.  My heart really DID feel like it was breaking.  But, gradually, I came into myself again.  I was able to make it through an hour without crying, then a few hours, then a day, then a week, you get my point.  Ever so slowly, I rediscovered who I am.  I have an inner strength that even I am surprised by, I have a faith that has been tested and I held on (for dear life at times), to come out of the other side more sure of my beliefs and more convinced that I am loved beyond measure by my creator.  
I have also discovered what a pretty cool gal I am :)  I've been able to keep a great sense of humor, a humble heart, and a fairly disciplined life.  Overall, through a tumultuous few years, ending in what I still kinda think of as a failure, I can thank God for never leaving me in my darkest moments and for the love and support of my family and my church family too!  I am indeed blessed and I can say without a doubt, it is well with my soul :)

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Times They Are Achangin'

  I bet you all probably thought I'd abandoned this blog :)  Truth be told, I haven't thought much about it in quite a while.  So much has happened since my last post...the kids are older, I am now divorced, working full time, and quite honestly feeling blessed.
  School will be starting soon for the kids...Suzy is going into her junior year of high school and Ian will be entering the 8th grade.  Yes, I am still homeschooling.  Thankfully the kids are old enough that I can give them their curriculum for the day and they will work on what they can do on their own and when I get home from work I help them with anything they weren't able to figure out.  
  Suzy will be taking Algebra 2, Chemistry, Japanese, SAT prep, History, American Literature, Bible, and Writing.  Ian will be taking Algebra 1, General Science, History, Civics, Grammar, Bible, and Writing.  
  As usual, we will be starting the day after Labor Day.  This summer has been quite enjoyable.  We've been spending time going to the beach, going to our fave froyo shop, and just hanging out.  
  Suzy will be looking at colleges and narrowing down her choices and taking her SAT's.  Wish us luck!  :) 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thinking of taking a new direction

Greetings! I have been chatting with another fellow homeschooling mom who is thinking of starting a co-op in her home a few times a week next year for her son. She has invited me to have Ian participate which would mean a whole new curriculum which I've never used (My Father's World). I have heard many good things about it, but since I didn't start with it I wasn't sure if it was the kind you could "jump" into. I have been all over the internet today checking out opinions and reviews. I am pretty impressed.
They also have it for high school as well, but at this point I have already invested way to much time and money into what Suzy has been using. I don't think I'll change her out of the blue so to speak since she'll be in high school next year. I'm nervous about all the record keeping I'll have to do. I keep some records now, but it's so much more important starting next year. Yikes!
Well, for now, I'll take it one day at a time and see where it all leads. Blessings everyone!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Homeschool Blessings

It's been a while since I've posted something about our family's journey with homeschooling. It's been a while since I've posted anything really. I've been inspired by my friend's 10 year old son though so here goes!
We have been going along well at full speed ahead with our current year. Suzy and Ian are also in a co-op group this year, which they love. They are both taking an art class and the woman who teaches is wonderful. She has a heart for it and is always encouraging and thoughtful. It is so nice to meet another homeschooler who loves what she does! This week the kids did monochromatic paintings. I'll have to post pics of their work once it's all dry.
We are also involved in a science class. Suzy is in one for older kids and today she grudgingly admitted that she is learning a lot from it (even though she doesn't like it) LOL. Ian likes his class too with lots of his friends attending who wouldn't I guess.
I get such a kick out of Suzy though. It takes me back to my days in school. I was taught in a very different style though. Most of my teachers were uninspired and were just waiting for their retirements. I basically learned what I needed to know to pass the test, took the test, did well, then promptly forgot most of it. The teachers my kids are blessed with are all hands-on and allow the kids to discover for themselves why something is the way it is. They learn the bland stuff too don't get me wrong, but it is so refreshing to find a group of people who care and are willing to sacrifice their personal time and energy to see that other children are getting a good class and the knowledge they need to advance in the coming years.
On another note, Suzy is almost finished her History book which she found very boring reading. It was basically reading all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all of their articles. Personally, I've never had to do it before this year myself. I thought it was enlightening :) We move on to Civics next week. Perfect timing as far as I'm concerned with the election year and all. I am thinking even Dave might like to try his hand at this subject. (For those who don't know, he's passionately interested in politics).
On another note, I have a party to plan for Ian's belated birthday. Probably at the bowling alley again. Poor thing, his b-day is right before Thanksgiving and this year was super busy for us as we were hosting Christmas Eve and all the preparations that usually go into the holiday season for us. We had a small cake and present giving for him on his actual day, but the party had to be held off.
Well, off to the website to see when I can get a scheduled date!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm Baaaack!!!!

I can hardly believe that next week starts August! This summer has flown by. I guess they always do :) That being said, I have forced myself to turn my thoughts to another year of schooling at home. This year, I've signed my kids up for a co-op. They'll be taking art classes and Ian will be taking a science class on Friday's. I think it'll be good for them to see what other "teachers" are like and to give them experience in areas that I tend to be weaker in.
As for the rest of their curriculum, I had that purchased before last year even ended. I still have to get everything organized and written out for the superintendents office (I usually do that right after the public school kids go back so I know they are in their offices).
This year, I have chosen to go a different way with Suzy's algebra. I bought from a company that came highly recommended to me called Math-U-See. They have a lot of visual lessons that will hopefully make her more aware of what they are asking her to learn. She will also be taking American Lit., Chemistry, History, Civics, Spelling, Bible, Music, Health, Money Management, Home Economics, and French. She'll also be taking the aforementioned Art and will also continue to sing as a jr. worship leader to the jr. high kids at her youth group. Quite an undertaking! Whew! I'm getting cramps just from typing it all!
Ian will be in his last year of Elementary school. He's got Art, Science, Math, History, Language, Spelling, Health, Geography, Bible, French, and Music.
I have a feeling that this year is going to be the most challenging yet. Wish me luck! On another note, I have also been thinking of combining my couponing conquests with this blog. I'd let everyone know how I do what I do, where I shop, what I pay, and help anyone who'd like advise. This past week I scored big time! Have a great day all!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Amazing Algebra

I have certainly been very busy since my last blog, we have been chugging away with our schoolwork and until about a week ago, things were going great. Then we hit a brick wall! Suzy was having a hard time with her pre-algebra and for some reason the way the book was teaching it, I couldn't quite understand it myself. Enter my salvation! I joined this sample site called Never knowing that my very first sample was going to be for a website called! Thank goodness and perfect timing is all I can say! I just got off the site and after seeing the demonstrator, Nancy Jung, I am totally recalling the way I learned this stuff and will be able to show it very competently to Suzy tomorrow! YAY!!! If anyone else out there is interested, you should try these sites too. The bzz one has lots of different things they offer not just educational stuff :) I'll keep you all posted on how everything works out!