Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm Content

Well in my last post earlier today I mentioned this gigantic list I was supposed to get to...sigh...well, I'll eventually get to it! I took a bit of a detour today. We had so much fun with math this morning. Suz realized she is almost done her whole book! I thought the look on her face was priceless! What a radiant smile! Where is the camera when you need it?
I suppose that the fact that I got my usual chores done should be good enough. I tackled and completed two loads of laundry (the last of which is in the dryer as I type), two loads of dishes, and the usual maintenance of tidying, sweeping, spot mopping (I LOVE my swiffer mop), cooking, and bed-making.
Tomorrow I have to work, so hubby is in charge here. He usually does a pretty good job of keeping the messes down to a minimum.
I also got around to making up the kids Easter baskets. I stayed on budget this year which is a big deal for me! And I think they'll be quite happy with their treats.
Well, there goes the buzzer...time to fold clothes and find a home for them all!

Spring Cleaning ugh!

So today I was silly enough to make a list of all the things I still have to do before I can say it's spring...sigh...I don't think I'll be done this list til next spring! I've managed to make a dent in it all, but in one area I think moms whose kids are in public schools have an advantage over me is that once something is clean it actually stays that way for at least a few hours. It's so discouraging to work hard on something and then in literally a few minutes it's messy again. I get that way mostly when it comes to cleaning the kids rooms. I take hours cleaning, scrubbing, vaccuming, arranging, dusting, etc. Then the next day it looks like the town dump again.
My kids have chores, but they refuse to do anything if they don't get paid for it. I'm at my wits end some days. Why should I have to pay them to take care of their stuff? I'm tempted to just not buy them the things they want since they won't treat the item well. But then I give in to the pressures of wanting them to have a nice fill in the blank (Christmas, Easter, Birthday).
Time for another piece of chocolate!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Whoa is me!

I get this a lot from my daughter, though not it those exact words. She wishes that she could go to "real" school. I tell her that she doesn't know how good she's got it. No peer pressure, no getting up early, being able to do schoolwork in your jammies, she only thinks of having lunch in a cafeteria, and walking to school, and probably, I suspect, the boys.
Hopefully, someday, she'll realize she's got it pretty good. Until then, I homeschool, and try to keep my sanity! Chocolate helps a lot! :)