Monday, May 10, 2010

Ok well this post is more under the category of "Sanity" rather than "homeschooling". Man, I've been going nuts today cleaning my house and gettting everything "prepped" for the plumber who was coming today (sometime between 9 AM and 6 PM) He came at 4 pm...ugh!
The landlord had him install a new toilet since the one we had was my mind, since there wasn't a leak in my place, but downstairs you'd think the problem was in between the floors, NOT the toilet itself. Oh well, not my money going down the drain!
So it went quickly thankfully, but here's the kicker, they are installing a new ceiling on the second floor tomorrow...he wants me to flush the toilet many times all night long to see if the new one is going to leak before they put the new ceiling in. They are pretty much blaming my kids for spilling water on the floor too. They have no clue. I'm getting to my witts end! Come on house!
We are going to look at a house on Wednesday afternoon. I'm hoping against hope that it will be in decent condition...we can't afford a palace, but I don't want a dump either. Please oh please God, smile down on us and show us what you'd have us do soon, cause this place and these neighbors are driving me CRAZY!!!!!!

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