Monday, May 3, 2010

Such is Life

We are in the home stretch! There are officially 20 days of school left for my kids! They couldn't be more excited! With each passing week, we've been "running out of stuff"...that's how they phrase it. It's at times like this when I like to pause and think back over the years and see how far they've come. I try hard not to think about how much there is still left head of us.
It is always almost breath-taking to me to think about how quickly these little toddlers started out with phonics and the alphabet, counting and "writing" to fractions, multiplication, division, geometry, and chemistry. Where does the time go? Why does it have to go by so quickly? I think part of why I am in this funk is because today is my half birthday. I always get reflective when I realize I am getting older too. I don't FEEL old though! Why do I have to age? Every day I look in the mirror and see the gray hairs, the beginnings of wrinkles, and the rolls of fat that I think will just never go away no matter how much I starve myself...*sigh*. This is my life. Good or bad, this is it.
On another front, I have been spending countless hours searching for a home. What area do I want to live in? How far away is to far? Do I want to uproot my kids again from friends/church family? Stress! EEEkkk!!! It seems petty to some I guess...oh well, maybe tomorrow things will look better.

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