Monday, April 26, 2010

Back to the Routine

Well last week was an interesting experiment. I gave the kids the whole week off from school. They seem to be getting back to their regular routine quite easily. Which is great for me. Last night I had anticipated crying, screaming and yelling (from me). But this was not the case. Could it be that my kids are actually growing up? Maturing before my very eyes? Maybe they see that I may be more apt to give them time off next year? We'll see about that one!
On another note I had planted a lot of veggies in planters two weeks ago and to my great joy I am already seeing sprouts! My lettuce is doing wonderfully. I also planted some flowers that are peeking above the dirt and my zucchini looks like a few tender blades are emerging! Wow! Who'd a thunk it? ME a gardener?
Dave and I have started a search for our first house (yeah, we were dumb with $ in our youth and so here we are in our 30's & in his case 40's) and are just now looking. It's such a daunting task. I'm not even sure WHERE I want to live never mind if I want 3 or 4 bedrooms, how many baths, if there is a pool, if there is a basement, blah blah blah!
My landlord actually told me and Dave that our rent is going DOWN!!!! Yeah! Amazing! You could have knocked me over with a feather! I have been in almost constant thought about him raising the rent since in our last place in Spencer the guy did it every 6 months! We've been here in Webster for 3 years now and he hasn't gone up once yet!
Well, enough of my schpeal. Gotta help Suz look for her protractor! *Sigh* it was nice while it lasted (a whole 2 hours).

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