Friday, June 25, 2010

In Memory of My Mother-In-Law

This is just going to be a short blog to mark the occasion of the one year anniversary of the passing of my mother-in-law. One year ago today, right around this time of the afternoon, she was saying her last good-byes. I know that people seem to think better of a person after they have passed on. But for me, I don't know, I always got along with her. She was a strong-minded, loving, but frail lady.
She had suffered from rhuematoid arthritis for over four decades. Added to that was Parkinson's Disease, Cancer, and Osteoperosis. The woman carried on through it all until the last few years of her life with grace and very few complaints.
I named my daughter after is spelled differently (she was Raffaela, and my daughter is Raphaella), but it was only because I didn't know how to spell it at the BTW, my daughter's middle name is my mom's name.
Tomorrow we are off to the Cape to visit my father-in-law. He has decided to sell his house (though he still lives there now) and move in with a friend to share expenses. Sigh, I remember being about 12 or 13 and thinking, "I can't even imagine my life when I am 30." Now I think, "what is my life going to be like when I am say 50? or 60?" Will I even still be here? Nobody knows when our time will come. That is why it is so important to make the most of what you have and be thankful for it as well. I am so greatful to God for everyone in my life. They are there for a reason, my friends, family members, those with us and not, all for a reason. Mine is not to question the why only to make the best of it all I guess.
Well, here is to you, Raffaela may you be in peace. You were a great mother-in-law to me, mother to my husband, and grandmother to my children. You are still missed deeply.

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