Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Wow! What a summer we are having so far. It reminds me of my childhood. All those long HOT days that seemed to go on and on (Insert countrytime lemonade commercial here). I had a great morning/early afternoon with the kids at Webster Lake. The water was just cool enough to be refreshing. I didn't want to get out to tell the truth. Alas, commitments and obligations forced me to pack up and leave shortly after 1pm. I say that jokingly, cause I'm actually ok with the reason we had to leave.
So, we get home, unpack, and settle in to lunch and wonderful air conditioning. I started a load of laundry, sat down on the couch and flipped on the tv...moments later BAM!!!! Darkness!! Oh no! I blew a fuse. I trudged down the stairs with the key to the basement only to find the land lord changed the lock and my key didn't work!!!
Poor guy. I called him and he had to come all the way over here to bring the key for me to go down and do something that only took a minute. He gave me a key though so he won't have to deal with that again.
So, here I am typing away in climate controlled comfort. Hoping everyone out there in blog-land has a way of staying cool too in this unbearable heat!
Now off to drop Suz at her practice (a mother's work is never done) and that's the way it should be I guess :)

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