Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lots of "Stuff" is good! I've finally wrapped up all my shopping for next year's schooling. Suz is going to be taking Pre-Algebra (Lord help me), Writing and Composition, Japanese (again, Lord can you hear me calling?), Spanish, Civics, History, Geography, Biology, Health, Spelling, Bible, Music Theory, Art (we didn't end up having her take that college was to tight, but maybe next year). Ian will be tackling the usual elementary classes, Math (he BETTER learn his multiplication tables this year), Spelling, Handwriting, Language, History, Geography, Science, Health, Art, Music Theory, Spanish, and Bible. Whew! This year will be a great one I can tell already!
On another note, we are still looking at houses and trying to find a mortgage. It seems this economy is making it harder and harder to get a loan for anything! We have pretty good credit so I'm not sure what to think. Oh well, guess the timing isn't quite right for us. Someday. I just keep telling myself that. Positive thinking and all ya know?
On another note, Suzy has had a chance to go into a real recording studio and have her songs recorded professionally. I'm not sure if I want her to go down that road. She has all the making for a Diva as it We'll see.
I made plans for our family vacation. We are going to be staying in a cottage in Maine near Old Orchard Beach. I am looking forward to this. We can only get away on family vacations every other year. The last time we went away to speak of was to Hershey Park. We are planning on going to the beach, an amusement park near by, and for mommy, to the outlets in kittery! Yipee!!!
Definately turning out to be a wonderful summer so far!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Wow! What a summer we are having so far. It reminds me of my childhood. All those long HOT days that seemed to go on and on (Insert countrytime lemonade commercial here). I had a great morning/early afternoon with the kids at Webster Lake. The water was just cool enough to be refreshing. I didn't want to get out to tell the truth. Alas, commitments and obligations forced me to pack up and leave shortly after 1pm. I say that jokingly, cause I'm actually ok with the reason we had to leave.
So, we get home, unpack, and settle in to lunch and wonderful air conditioning. I started a load of laundry, sat down on the couch and flipped on the tv...moments later BAM!!!! Darkness!! Oh no! I blew a fuse. I trudged down the stairs with the key to the basement only to find the land lord changed the lock and my key didn't work!!!
Poor guy. I called him and he had to come all the way over here to bring the key for me to go down and do something that only took a minute. He gave me a key though so he won't have to deal with that again.
So, here I am typing away in climate controlled comfort. Hoping everyone out there in blog-land has a way of staying cool too in this unbearable heat!
Now off to drop Suz at her practice (a mother's work is never done) and that's the way it should be I guess :)