Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Smooth Sailing (so far)

Well friends, we've been at our schooling now for a few weeks, and I'm very happy with the pace and the content of the subjects the kids are taking. They have a good grasp on everything so far and these are the days I think every homeschooler finds blissful.
My main concern if I were to go out LOOKING for trouble, would be that I'm not to awfully sure that Ian is getting challenged enough with his curriculum. I'm thinking of adding to his daily workload. But its a fine balance with this kid of mine. To much and he gets discouraged and cranky. Not enough and he's bored and a trial to me.
I have resorted to bribery with him (as in an earlier post I mentioned I had to bribe Suzy to learn her multiplication tables). So here we are plugging away at the monotonous facts. Our deal was if he learns them by heart in random order he can have a wii for a Christmas present.
We are probably one of the few families who don't already own one. Mainly because I don't want my kids to be so crazed that nothing else is done around the house including school work to proper satisfaction. I'm thinking I'll probably institute a time policy like I do with the computer time. The kids get an hour each day for computer fun but only on pre-approved websites.
So far, that has been ideal. Well, there's my update. Hope everyone else is having as much success so far this year!

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