Monday, August 16, 2010

School decisions

Well, I've officially decided on the day after Labor Day as our first day back to school. I usually pick that day, but since it was so late this year (the second week of September) I had contemplated moving the date up. But...well...I just don't want to let go of summer this year. Am I alone in the thinking that it has been one of childhood memories? The kind that seems endless and fun-filled. In spite of having to work two days a week, I have managed to get to the beach a few times (plenty for me and my fair skin), had a few dinners out with friends, been to the Cape, managed to purchase ALL of the curriculum I'm going to be using, and will soon be on a last ditch attempt to squeeze out the rest of the summer when we go on vacation.
My kiddies are less than happy about the fact that the count-down has begun. I guess I, too, am a bit sad. This will definately be a summer for the scrapbook. Well, onward and upward they always say. Who knows? The rest of this year will most likely fly by and before you know it, we'll be preparing for Christmas festivities. Ok Ok so I won't rush it! Maybe this year I'll actually start my gift shopping early (as I usually threaten to do but somehow never seem to get around to).
Well, that is all my news so far, I'm patiently waiting for my cousin (Mal) to get on facebook and tell the world about her day! Can't wait!

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