Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm Baaaack!!!!

I can hardly believe that next week starts August! This summer has flown by. I guess they always do :) That being said, I have forced myself to turn my thoughts to another year of schooling at home. This year, I've signed my kids up for a co-op. They'll be taking art classes and Ian will be taking a science class on Friday's. I think it'll be good for them to see what other "teachers" are like and to give them experience in areas that I tend to be weaker in.
As for the rest of their curriculum, I had that purchased before last year even ended. I still have to get everything organized and written out for the superintendents office (I usually do that right after the public school kids go back so I know they are in their offices).
This year, I have chosen to go a different way with Suzy's algebra. I bought from a company that came highly recommended to me called Math-U-See. They have a lot of visual lessons that will hopefully make her more aware of what they are asking her to learn. She will also be taking American Lit., Chemistry, History, Civics, Spelling, Bible, Music, Health, Money Management, Home Economics, and French. She'll also be taking the aforementioned Art and will also continue to sing as a jr. worship leader to the jr. high kids at her youth group. Quite an undertaking! Whew! I'm getting cramps just from typing it all!
Ian will be in his last year of Elementary school. He's got Art, Science, Math, History, Language, Spelling, Health, Geography, Bible, French, and Music.
I have a feeling that this year is going to be the most challenging yet. Wish me luck! On another note, I have also been thinking of combining my couponing conquests with this blog. I'd let everyone know how I do what I do, where I shop, what I pay, and help anyone who'd like advise. This past week I scored big time! Have a great day all!

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