Friday, January 6, 2012

Homeschool Blessings

It's been a while since I've posted something about our family's journey with homeschooling. It's been a while since I've posted anything really. I've been inspired by my friend's 10 year old son though so here goes!
We have been going along well at full speed ahead with our current year. Suzy and Ian are also in a co-op group this year, which they love. They are both taking an art class and the woman who teaches is wonderful. She has a heart for it and is always encouraging and thoughtful. It is so nice to meet another homeschooler who loves what she does! This week the kids did monochromatic paintings. I'll have to post pics of their work once it's all dry.
We are also involved in a science class. Suzy is in one for older kids and today she grudgingly admitted that she is learning a lot from it (even though she doesn't like it) LOL. Ian likes his class too with lots of his friends attending who wouldn't I guess.
I get such a kick out of Suzy though. It takes me back to my days in school. I was taught in a very different style though. Most of my teachers were uninspired and were just waiting for their retirements. I basically learned what I needed to know to pass the test, took the test, did well, then promptly forgot most of it. The teachers my kids are blessed with are all hands-on and allow the kids to discover for themselves why something is the way it is. They learn the bland stuff too don't get me wrong, but it is so refreshing to find a group of people who care and are willing to sacrifice their personal time and energy to see that other children are getting a good class and the knowledge they need to advance in the coming years.
On another note, Suzy is almost finished her History book which she found very boring reading. It was basically reading all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all of their articles. Personally, I've never had to do it before this year myself. I thought it was enlightening :) We move on to Civics next week. Perfect timing as far as I'm concerned with the election year and all. I am thinking even Dave might like to try his hand at this subject. (For those who don't know, he's passionately interested in politics).
On another note, I have a party to plan for Ian's belated birthday. Probably at the bowling alley again. Poor thing, his b-day is right before Thanksgiving and this year was super busy for us as we were hosting Christmas Eve and all the preparations that usually go into the holiday season for us. We had a small cake and present giving for him on his actual day, but the party had to be held off.
Well, off to the website to see when I can get a scheduled date!

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